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Nehemiah: Lessons in Leadership

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Nehemiah: Learning Leadership

Lesson 1 of 5
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Nehemiah-1: Discern Your Mission

bsg-admin · April 29, 2019

A Calling
A capstone seminar class at a Christian college was discussing the idea of calling. Each of the students had to say what their mission was post-graduation. The class was mostly full of future pastors and Christian school teachers. One by one they shared their missions: to serve students in rural schools, to help students learn how God can change their lives, to revitalize dying congregations. Each had a calling that we easily think of as “Christian Callings”. As the discussion went around the room, it was the turn of the only accounting student. She was a woman from Nigeria, who had lived in four different countries before coming to the US for college. “I want to make a lot of money” she said. This was surprising to the class, who were mostly prepared to expect low salaries for their entire careers. “I want to make a lot of money so that I can give away a lot of money to help people who are trying to make life better for their children”. She certainly had a sense of calling.

A calling, or mission, is deeply important and personal. It is the means by which God works in the world. Every Christian is called by God, whether it is being a missionary in a foreign field or a junior account manager in an advertising firm. Too often, Christians feel they should do something for God without waiting for Him to touch their soul with a passion, reveal a specific mission, help them recognize spiritual gifts, or use them right where they are.

God had a plan from the beginning to save His people and revealed this to many along the way. People like Joseph, Esther, Nehemiah and Matthew had gifts, passions, positions and faith that allowed them to fulfill God’s calling in their lives. What will you learn from these characters of the Bible that might help you discern your mission for God?

Discussion questions: Read the text and scriptures below, and prepare to answer the questions.

  1. Read Nehemiah 1:1-4. What strikes you about Nehemiah’s reaction to the news about Jerusalem? How and why is this different from reactions you have seen in the workplace?
  2. Read Genesis 47:1-11. What was the significance of Joseph’s position?
  3. Read Esther 4:10-17. Esther’s passion and position are evident, but what does she do to discern God’s mission?
  4. Read Mark 2:13-17. How does Levi represent how reputations and personal choices can define your calling?

Application Question: How will you discern your mission for God?

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