The Battle is about Your Future

January 30, 2025 Day 30

Matthew 1. 24

“Joseph…did as the angel of the Lord commanded him.” Matthew 1:24 NKJV

You can search the Gospels and you won’t discover a single word spoken by Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph. But he is irreplaceable in the story of Jesus’ birth. Here is why: God used Joseph to protect and preserve the life of the Savior.

So today, let’s look at the lesson we draw from the life of JosephYou are responsible to protect God’s unborn purposes and promises in your life. Right now, there is a part of God’s will that is yet unknown and to be experienced in your life. A promise yet to be fulfilled. A word yet to be realized. A ministry yet to be launched. A family member yet to be saved. They are divine purposes that are presently unseen and unborn, and they must be watched over and protected so that they can come to pass.

Just as Herod ordered the death of every Hebrew baby boy under two years of age in order to eliminate Jesus, Satan will do everything he can to stop God’s plan and purpose from being accomplished in your life and in the lives of your loved ones. This will help you to understand that the battle is not over your past or your present—but over your future.

What should you do? First, be on guard. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1Pe 5:8 NIV). Second, put a prayer covering over your life and your loved ones: “I looked for someone…who would…stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land” (Eze 22:30 NIV). (series of “Life Lessons from Joseph” to be continued…)

PRAYER: Dear Lord, Your ways are unsearchable. Help me to trust in You as Joseph did, and guide me to protect Your unborn purposes and promises in my life. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN.


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